Together against extremism - panel discussion

On 27 September, the Green party invited to an exchange of ideas on the topic of extremism prevention. fairplay prevention took part in it.

After the terrorist attack of 2 November 2020 in Vienna, not only were laws tightened, but the federal government also earmarked 8 million euros annually for the prevention of extremism - including in the area of sports. This has also given rise to our newest area of work - fairplay prevention - a contact point against anti-human ideologies.

The Green members of the National Council Sybille Hamann and Faika El-Nagashi invited to an exchange of ideas within the framework of a panel discussion on 27 September at Palais Eppstein. Our colleague Michael Schmied took part and presented the work of the now 1-year-old drop-in centre. Also on the panel were Nora Ramirez Castillo from the association Hemayat - Care Centre for Torture and War Survivors and Maynat Kurbanova from stimm*raum.

After a short input on extremism and the political responsibility to prevent it, by Faika El-Nagashi, the panelists discussed the commonalities in their projects and experiences in dealing with their target group. Particular attention was paid in the discussion to raising awareness among children and young people at an early stage. This also corresponds to the approach that fairplay pursues within the framework of educational and awareness-raising offers in sports clubs.

After more than an hour of intensive discussion, in which the audience also participated strongly, there was the opportunity to exchange views bilaterally over sandwiches and drinks and to finish the evening.