ballesterer #178 - Orban's Hungary

The new ballesterer describes how stadium projects, tax breaks and subsidies shape the networks of Hungarian politics.


Viktor Orban has ruled Hungary for 13 years. For 13 years, his government has come under international criticism for corruption and disregard for fundamental rights. Orban's transformation of the state into an autocracy affects many areas of life, but he is particularly fond of football. Hungary invests heavily in sports infrastructure, party officials sit at the levers of power in clubs and associations. Clemens Zavarsky took a closer look at Orban's football for the cover story of the new ballesterer, he writes about state spending, tax giveaways for companies, right-wing extremist fans and nationalist dreams. In the focus interview, cultural scientist Peter Fodor talks about the Golden Eleven of the 1950s and today's culture of remembrance in Hungary.

In the game room, former Austria and LASK coach Karl Daxbacher is honoured with a long interview on the occasion of his upcoming 70th birthday. In addition, ballesterer visited Lukas Spendlhofer in Israel, explained the Fürth name dispute, discussed the legal problems of training compensation and watched matches in Morocco and Ukraine.

The new ballesterer is now available in tobacconists and in the online shop: