Press briefing: New REBELS OF CHANGE Initiative, 15.9.22

Children's, youth and development organizations present an initiative for sustainable development. fairplay is part of it!

Vienna (OTS) - September 8, 2022: Whether climate change, migration, food or the questioning of democratic structures: the world is facing many global challenges. Young people are confronted with big questions as a result: What prospects open up in such crisis-ridden times? From what can the "Generation Corona" draw new hope for the future?

REBELS OF CHANGE is an initiative that proves to young people that they are not powerless, but can become active for sustainable development themselves.

Starting in fall 2022, a wide variety of creative participatory activities, workshops, youth participation formats and social media campaigns will be offered throughout Austria. Südwind and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) together with young artists and activists invite to a press briefing with input from social researcher Günther Ogris (SORA Institute).

When: Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 10 a.m.

Where: Badeschiff Vienna, Franz-Josefs-Kai 4, 1010 Vienna.

On the panel:

  • Günther Ogris, M.A., Managing Partner and Scientific Director, SORA Institute.
  • Konrad Rehling, Managing Director of Südwind
  • Dr. Friedrich Stift, M.A., Managing Director of the Austrian Development Agency
  • Paulina Exner, student, member of the Südwind youth editorial team "Voices of Change
  • Sophie Schicketmüller "SISKA", singer

Streetart artist Janina Kepczynski will implement some motifs of the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development in front of the bathing ship during the talk. With the so-called "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs), the international community is committed to socially, environmentally and economically sustainable development by 2030.

Registration is requested via silvia.haselhuhn [AT] suedwind [DOT] at

The initiative "REBELS OF CHANGE" moves - the Agenda 2030 with the SDGs - more into the spotlight and makes it experiencable in diverse events and digitally. The initiative is funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation Agency and coordinated by Südwind Association for Development Policy and Global Justice. Other partners are the Epiphany Action of the Catholic Children's Movement, SustainLabel, Naturefriends International, ÖKOBÜRO - Alliance of the Environmental Movement, SDG Forum Vorarlberg, Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC) and Welthaus Austria.