Handball for Diversity - New Campaign of the HLA and WHA

Women Handball Austria and HANDBALL LIGEN AUSTRIA are launching a new anti-discrimination campaign and we are involved with fairplay workshops!

Women Handball Austria and HANDBALL LIGEN AUSTRIA have always stood up for diversity and against any form of discrimination. Now, very concrete measures are being taken in a joint project ("Handball for Diversity") funded by the Ministry of Sport: Implementation of an anti-discrimination manager, anti-discrimination workshops in the youth teams of the WHA & HLA clubs (with a focus on the topic of "handball and homosexuality"), implementation of a joint communication campaign and writing an annual CSR report are the most important cornerstones of the project under the title "Handball for Diversity". By the way: Tomorrow, 17 May, is the International Day against Homophobia!

Minister of Sport and Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler: "When we in the Ministry of Sport launched our call for projects on the topics of equality, integration, inclusion and sustainability last year, we had projects like that of the handball leagues in mind. For a long time, the topic of homosexuality in sport was suppressed, at best perceived as a marginal issue. As a result, athletes were far too often subjected to homophobic discrimination. I am pleased that the handball leagues are taking a joint and clearly visible step to combat such discrimination and to promote a climate of tolerance at an early stage. I very much hope that with the initiative supported by the Ministry of Sport we will enable a lighthouse project that will also have an impact on other sports."

The basis of the project will be anti-discrimination workshops run by the fairplay initiative, which will be offered in the clubs of the WHA and HLA for youth teams between the ages of ten and 14. "Together with fairplay, we have singled out the removal of taboos on the topic of homosexuality in handball for the first cycle of these workshops, with the aim of sensitising the girls and boys with regard to homophobia," reports HLA Managing Director Christoph Edelmüller.

Another important part of the project is the employment of an anti-discrimination manager. Matthias Führer is not only someone who comes from a sports background and is still active in the HLA MEISTERLIGA with Förthof UHK Krems and is currently in the league semi-finals with the Wachau team, but has also been professionally involved with topics such as diversity management and gender roles in recent years.

In addition to coordinating the workshops, Matthias Führer will primarily act as a contact point for all those who feel discriminated against in Austrian club handball. Furthermore, he will push the knowledge transfer between the clubs, design further activities and campaigns and write an annual "CSR Report" regarding the numerous projects of the WHA & HLA clubs around the topic of social responsibility. 

Katharina Kitzberger, Vice President Legal Affairs of HANDBALL LIGEN AUSTRIA: "Sport lives from the public and therefore we see it as our duty to give something back to society and to set an example in the area of social responsibility. The clubs of the HLA have been doing this in very different areas for many years. Nevertheless, we are very happy that we have now succeeded in finding an official framework in the form of the 'Handball for Diversity' initiative and a very competent anti-discrimination manager in Matthias Führer. A very big thank you to all our clubs who support this project and especially, of course, to the Ministry of Sport and fairplay, who make it possible to implement the workshops and this project on such a broad scale."

WHA Vice-President Silvia Grill: "The WHA and its member clubs gladly support this project and are pleased that with Matthias Führer a competent person could be won for the implementation. Especially in a team sport, the focus is not only on athletic training, but also on social development. Handball for Diversity' provides additional support for our clubs with many activities. Many thanks also to the Ministry of Sport and fairplay for making the implementation of this project possible."

Matthias Führer: "I am very pleased and happy that HANDBALL LIGEN AUSTRIA and Women Handball Austria have been able to create their own position that brings important social issues to the table, away from the daily sporting and economic issues. We want to create an atmosphere and culture in Austrian handball that allows all people to be part of it. Any form of discrimination must have no place with us."

A detailed interview with Matthias Führer can be read in the current issue of the online magazine "7 Minuten Geballte Leidenschaft".

A first important implementation step are around 50 workshops in the youth teams (10-14 year olds) of the HLA & WHA clubs on the topic of "Handball & Homosexuality".

Matthias Führer has been active as a handball player in the HLA since 2013. Since 2021 for Förthof UHK Krems, before that for SG INSIGNIS Handball WESTWIEN. He studied sports science as well as journalism and new media. Professionally, Matthias Führer currently works as a communications manager and project staff member for the Austrian Media Academy.

Contact: Anti-discrimination Manager Matthias Führer
E-mail: handballfuervielfalt [AT] hla [DOT] at and handballfuervielfalt [AT] wha-handball [DOT] at 

