"What is racism?" - Nonfiction book for children

Book recommendation for children on the topics of racism, tolerance and inclusion - explained simply and understandably.

Why do people look different? How do you recognize racism? And why is it important that we talk about it? Under more than 45 flaps, children will find the answers to these and other important questions about racism, tolerance and inclusion - explained simply and understandably.

We had the privilege of supporting Usborne Verlag with the German translation of the book and contributing our professional corrections. Show Racism the Red Card was also involved in the creation of the book and can now look forward to a nomination for "Book of the Year" in the category "Nonfiction for Children".

We recommend the book for children ages 6 and up!

Info about the book:
Text: Katie Daynes and Jordan Akpojaro
Illus: Sandhya Prabat
Design: Suzie Harrison

