ballesterer #182 – Jewish identities in the stadium

The new ballesterer discusses football, Judaism and identity in the present with fans, historians and exhibition organizers.

ballesterer #182 gets to the bottom of Jewish identities in the stadium. In cooperation with the Jewish Museum Vienna, objects from the exhibition Superjuden and their (club) stories are presented. Jewish participation in Viennese football will be recounted, and football, Judaism and identity in the present will be discussed with fans, historians and exhibition organizers.

Note: starting in October, we will offer fairplay workshops as a supporting program to the exhibition "Superjuden" in cooperation with the Jewish Museum Vienna.

In addition, ballesterer visited Peter Stöger in Südstadt, talked to Carina Wenninger about her career, looks ahead to the Nations League premiere for Irene Fuhrmann and her team, gondolas through Georgia and much more. You can read some of the texts from the issue here.

The new ballesterer is now available at tobacconists and in the online store: