New version of the handout "For respect and safety - Against sexualized assaults in sports", 9.3.23

The BMKÖS and 100% Sport present a revised version of the handout on sexualized violence.


Thursday, March 9, 10:00
Haus des Sports/Spiegelsaal
For respect & safety - against sexualized assaults in sports
Presentation of the handout

For many years now, the handout "For Respect and Safety" has been an integral part of the 100% SPORT training system. Many sports organizations also use the brochure to include the Safe Sport topic in their club and association work, as well as in training courses (e.g. instructor training).

"For Respect and Safety - Against Sexualized Violence" is a joint initiative of Austrian sports. It was launched in 2017 by the former 100% SPORT working group "Prevention of Sexualized Violence" (AG PsG) and has since been supported by numerous national and regional sports organizations and funded by the Ministry of Sport.

The 3rd edition was developed, like the first two, in close cooperation with experts from the field, as well as the former AG PsG. It contains the most important basics and is intended to facilitate the introduction to the topic of violence prevention even for people without prior knowledge. Besides the basic knowledge, it also contains the latest research results and statistics from the field.

Invitation to the presentation. Please register by 07.03. at dorian.fischer [AT] bmkoes.gv [DOT] at.

Following the presentation, the handout will be available for download on the SAFE SPORT website.
The 2nd edition of the handout can be found here. The 3rd edition will be published here after the presentation.