Cup of Human Rights, 17.9.22

The alternative sports festival for the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar will take place in Vienna!

Date: Saturday, 17 September 2022 (11:30-18:00)
Location: STAW Square, Rustenschacherallee 3-5 (Prater), 1020 Vienna

Before the controversial FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar we organise an alternative World Cup. At the "Cup of Human Rights", cricket and mamanet cachibol will be played alongside football. And it will be played by groups and individuals who are among those affected by the World Cup in Qatar. Instead of exploitation and human rights violations, the focus is on global justice, anti-discrimination and sustainability. 

The day will be accompanied by a DJ and a supporting programme for active participants and visitors (including childcare).



11:30 Welcome
11:45 Joint warm-up session
12:00 Start of games and DJ-Line
13:00 Joint group photo
15:00 Goalie Training with Richard Strebinger (former goalkeeper of the Austrian national team)
17:00 Final matches
17:30/18:00 Award ceremony and presentation of the Cup


Cricket tournament

6+1 players
15 or 20 Hauls

Football tournament

8 teams, 6+1 players
2 groups
2 fields

Mamanet Cachibol, from 11:30 - 16:30: Participation station, open to all!
"Cachibol is an internationally recognised sport that is played like volleyball, but the ball is caught.

The Cup of Human Rights is organised by the fairplay initiative at the VIDC in cooperation with the players' union Vereinigung der Fußballer (VdF), the migrant sports and cultural association NEUER START, and the international sports movement Mamanet, and is significantly supported by the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA).