Rising Together – Open your Sport to all genders and sexualities!

On the occasion of the "European Week of Sport" the new campaign of the project Sport for all Genders and Sexualities is launched.

Open meeting: Football fans against homophobia, 14.9.23

The football fans against homophobia call for an open meeting to discuss the future of the initiative.

ballesterer #182 – Jewish identities in the stadium

The new ballesterer discusses football, Judaism and identity in the present with fans, historians and exhibition organizers.

6. LebensLauf – Charity run for an open refugee policy, 24.9.23

The LebensLauf, organized by asylkoordination Österreich, will again take place in the Kurpark Oberlaa.

Less4more "Train the Trainers" – Report

From August 7 to 9, 2023, the first "Train the Trainers" event in the framework of our new Erasmus+ project took place in Vienna.

Day of Sports, 23.9.23

fairplay at Austria's largest open-air sporting event in the Vienna Prater.

fairplay action weeks 2023, 4.-29.10.23

TOGETHER AGAINST HATRED & INCITEMENT - For diversity in football & martial arts

Band Football Cup, 17.9.23

Austria's bands are playing football for the Vienna Women's Shelters and White Ribbon.

Cup of Good Hope, 16.9.23

The fall edition of the Cup of Good Hope will be held this year at the Auer-Welsbach Park Youth Sports Complex.
