Club 2×11: All of Vienna in the ballesterer library, 05.04.22

What is the state of Vienna as a soccer city? This question is the focus of the first issue of ballesterer bibliothek and the discussion at Club 2×11.

Vienna was once the hub of the soccer world. It was here that the first professional championship on the continent was held, it was here that European tournaments were devised and tactical systems invented, and it was here that soccer thrilled fans and feature writers alike. But those days are long gone. Never before have Viennese clubs - both men's and women's - waited so long for a championship title. Rapid is experiencing the longest sporting drought since its founding, Austria recently made headlines with a huge mountain of debt, Sport-Club knows the top division only as a distant memory, and Vienna has spent the last few years bouncing around the lower reaches of the city leagues.

But at the same time, something is happening in Vienna. Various types of fan culture have taken hold at the larger clubs, groundhoppers from near and far can be seen again and again at the numerous smaller grounds, raving about the Vienna League, and thousands play soccer here week after week - whether in a club or self-organized.

So what is the state of Vienna as a soccer city? This question is not only the subject of the first issue of ballesterer bibliothek, but now also of Club 2 × 11 with a discussion around the clubs that have shaped Vienna as a soccer city.

When: April 5, 2022, 7:00 p.m.
Where: Main Library on the Gürtel, Urban-Loritz-Platz 2a.
How: Admission is free.

Note the Main Libraries' current corona protections.

At the podium:

Nina Burger for the First Vienna FC
- Sabine Eder for USC Landhaus (inquired).
- Steffen Hofmann for the SK Rapid
- Christian Kirchengast for the Floridsdorfer AC
- Herbert Prohaska for FK Austria (inquired)
- Wolfgang Raml for Wiener Sport-Club

Moderation: ballesterer editor-in-chief Jakob Rosenberg

The Club 2 × 11 is an event organized by Büchereien Wien, the fairplay initiative, tipp3, Wir Frauen im Sport and ballesterer.
The first edition of ballesterer bibliothek was sponsored by the Vienna Business Agency.